30 days

It was 1:20 am on Friday morning when I got the notification that I reached my 30 days sober. wow, that was fast. The reality is, for someone chronically ill, my life quickly became built around my next “fix”. Eventually, this affected my day to day, ultimately culminating when I was forced to wonder if it was making me worse. As a loyal patient of Dr. Google, I convinced myself I had cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. Nausea? Check. Vomiting? Check. Chills and sweats? Check. However, In all truth, I believe my recent stomach flare-up may have been caused by intense stress mixed with a glass or two of wine. Yeah yeah I know, “you had to know that wouldn’t help??” No, it wasn’t the best idea. But amongst horrible health anxiety, general depression, and invisible illnesses…I just wanted to feel like a normal 24-year-old on a Saturday night. So much for that. Fuggedabouhdit. 30 days. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t ingesting thc in some form, f...